Upscaling Preview Image

AI Image Upscaler

Face Restoration

Enhance Your Images with AI Upscaling

Upload an image to have it scaled up 4x using AI! Images are only visible to you and will be deleted 1 day after processing. You can upload images up to a size of 16MPx to be scaled to 16k*16k. Note that in times of high demand, it may take a few minutes for your images to be processed.

Key Features

How It Works

Using this website is incredibly simple — and free:

  1. Upload Your Image: Select an image from your device. Please note that the image size is limited to 16MPx.
    • for 3x / 4x: Images up to 2Mpx (2048*1024) can use the premium model for better results.
    • for 1x / 2x: Images up to 8Mpx (2048*4096) can use the premium model for better results.
  2. Processing: The server will start working on your image. This process can take a while, so feel free to come back later. Your image will be saved and ready for download once it’s done.
  3. Still Processing?
  4. Processing time depends on the image size and whether a GPU is available.
    • GPU Processing: Typically completes in a few seconds.
    • CPU Processing: Can take 5-10 minutes on average, but in rare cases, it may take up to 40 minutes.
    This algorithm prioritizes quality over speed, so larger images may take longer to process.
  5. Download Your Upscaled Image: Return to the site after a few minutes, and your high-resolution image will be waiting for you in the gallery!
  6. Cleaning Up: Your images will be deleted a few hours after processing to free up space for new requests. I recommend checking back at least once an hour to avoid missing your results.

AI Upscaling vs. Traditional Scaling

AI Upscaling:

Traditional Scaling:

Comparison Example

Let's compare AI vs traditional upscaling with an example image:

image upscaling example image

Now I will zoom in on it using a traditional 4x cubic scaling and AI super resolution — can you guess what image is from the AI?

image upscaling results compared

Incredible — isn’t it? You can try this out right now for free here!

Enhance Your Images!

Data safety and copyright

  • Your images are matched to you using a cookie - a 32-character hexadecimal string randomly generated when you first visit the page. Only with this cookie can an image be accessed.
  • Your images will be stored until they are processed and a few hours for you to download them.
  • Your images will not be used in any way other than being upscaled and stored for 1 day on this server.
  • Using this website gives me (the owner) no rights about your images - you are still full copyright holder.
  • The images are stored on this web server (from lima-city).

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